
Simple attitudinal research methods that will guide your your conversion rate optimiziation

In our endless search for better conversion rates we cling to the belief that technology will provide the answer to our woes… To later discover disappointedly, merely hint at problem areas.

In this workshop we go old school and learn pragmatic methodologies that will reveal your visitors pain points and decision criteria. We learn the usage of attitudinal research tools and the insight you need to seek out that will guide you towards solutions to conversion blockers on your website.

Tech without methods, tech without goals lead to 80% abandonment. Yet, when you combine usage know how you can use them to get into your visitor’s mind… and we will show you how.


Både B2B og B2C

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OBS: Workshop på engelsk.
Ivan Imhoff

Ivan Imhoff

Director & Founder

Ivan is recognized for his Conversion Rate and Performance Marketing expertise. Over his career he has helped over 70 businesses increase conversion rates by an average of 31% a year and as high as 550% for some. Co-founder of the Award-winning Performance Marketing and User Experience agency House of Kaizen in 2009, he has worked with large and small businesses developing acquisition, conversion and personalisation methods and strategies with great success.

Today Ivan is dedicated to training and education with a sole objective to turn decades of experience and proven methods into a reusable and adaptive Conversion Optimization training program for companies and agencies alike. His goal is to grow the skills of managers and directors to grow their business no longer through random ideas and marketing spend, but through with know-how.

Se mere om Ivan Imhoff